Life-Changing Routines: The Journey to Personal Growth
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Dopamine Detox


When it finally clicked and I was actually really aware of how much time, energy, and focus I was wasting by consuming so much social media a day my life completely shifted. 


I decided on a rule. I would not go on my phone the whole day until 6 pm. I was allowed to receive messages, listen to music or use search engines when I needed them but I completely cut out the two social media platforms that were so addicting due to their excellent algorithms.


After just a few days my focus and concentration drastically improved, I had more motivation to do ‘hard things’ like studying, writing or any other activities that seemed mundane before and I needed less discipline to get them done, overall I was much happier and less anxious because I wasn’t happy and entertained all the time due to social media.


In short, scrolling social media releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter, that is responsible for excitement and motivation (please don’t quote me on this I’m not a woman in STEM, I wish I was though). Scrolling releases quite a large amount making us excited and since other activities don’t release as much dopamine we’re less motivated and excited to do them. There’s another downside to this, the more dopamine you consume the higher your tolerance which means you have to consume more to reach the same amount of excitement. 


For me, it was a way to procrastinate uncomfortable tasks as well and as a consequence, my productivity has increased so much and I get more done in less amount of time.


If you struggle with procrastination, productivity and motivation, I would highly recommend that you try this for at least two weeks. The first days it’ll probably be hard but it truly gets better and easier over time.




A Morning Routine That Fulfills Me


Having routines made life so much easier. I do them without thinking much and they give me structure in my life and the implementation of habits feel almost effortless.

My morning routine was the first one I focused on and therefore greatly motivated me to keep going and ease my morning anxiety.


Especially my morning routine is centered around my own well-being rather than productivity. Mornings offer an opportunity to take time for oneself before school, work or other responsibilities await. 


Usually, I start my day with gratitude journaling, setting intentions for the day and reflecting on the day before, making my bed, and heading to the kitchen for breakfast and a coffee. I find it essential to have breakfast. Even if you’re not hungry eat something or pack a breakfast to eat later, breakfast truly sets you up for the day. Also, I take my time for skincare and getting ready since I like looking put together. 


My morning routine changed many times until I found one that serves me and will probably change in the future. It doesn’t have to be a huge list of activities if that’s not serving you but sneak in a few things that bring you joy.




Self-Care Sundays 


I saved one of my favorites for last.

Last year in school I would never take a weekend day off which was one of the reasons, I believe, why I was so miserable. I never let myself truly relax and started the next week absolutely exhausted.


This year ‘Self-Care Sundays’ have become a priority. Every Sunday I take the whole day off to reset, take care of myself, and truly let myself relax and recharge.

For you, it doesn’t have to be an entire day it can just be a morning, afternoon, or night but make self-care a priority because your well-being should be a priority in your life.


Self-care looks completely individual to everyone. For me it’s sleeping in, doing my nails, reading, listening to music, taking THE shower, doing absolutely nothing, planning, and scrolling on Pinterest. However, for you, it might be a good workout, a face mask, baking, drinking a good cup of tea, or drawing.


Whatever it is schedule it. 
