The Obsession With A Perfect Morning Routine
picture via pinterest

Many people, especially in the wellness niche, have been discussing the importance of a morning routine and the perfect one to set you up for a successful day. 


But what is even the “perfect” routine and how can having a set morning routine even benefit you?



How can a morning routine benefit you?


There is a saying: “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” and I believe that to be true. 

Some time in the morning invested in yourself can uplift your mood and energy which plays a significant part in your productivity throughout the day. It can uplift you and helps your mind and body get in that productive flow. 


A morning routine typically contains healthy habits, for example, a healthy breakfast, some movement, journalling, skincare, etc…

While getting into a routine you form these healthy habits as well which not only make you feel better but play a huge role in long-term physical and mental health. 


Lastly, it adds some structure to your day. You don’t have to decide every morning what to do next. You know your steps which also prevents early decision fatigue.




8 habit ideas to include in your morning routine.



1. Making your bed


Making your bed right when you wake up makes you feel like you have ticked one thing off your to-do list already and it only requires little effort.

In addition, it also gives your bedroom a cleaner look and you know what they say: ‘a clean environment equals an organized mind’.



2. the ‘no social media in the first hour’ rule


When you check your phone directly after you wake up your brain is flooded with information you can’t control taking up all the space in your mind. 

This prevents you from consciously deciding what you feed your brain in the morning when your subconscious worked through yesterday’s thoughts in your sleep.



3. Drinking Water


Hydrating your body is always important. Making drinking water after you wake up is a great way to get into the habit.



4. Skin Care


Skin care doesn’t only help clear your skin and get it glowing but is an act of self-care as well.

Doing gua-sha or giving yourself a face massage is great to show some love towards yourself. Just as little as doing a simple skincare routine shows your subconscious you’re taking care of your well-being.



5. Movement


Moving your body gets your system going, builds strength and so much more. 

Especially while working a desk job or being a student incorporating movement into your daily routine is essential. 

Movement doesn’t have to be a heavy workout. It can take many forms:

Stretching and yoga, pilates, a morning walk, ten minute home workout or even going to the gym.



6. A Healthy Breakfast


Taking time to prepare a healthy breakfast or meal prepping one is a great investment in your health.

There are many great options: oatmeal, avocado toast, smoothies, eggs, etc.



7. Journaling


Gratitude Journaling has been shown to improve your mood throughout the day and has become more and more popular, especially after the rise of the ‘five-minute journal’.

Writing down five things you’re grateful for doesn’t require much time and effort, making it an easy habit to integrate. 

Additionally writing out your feelings and struggles in the morning lifts the burden off your chest onto your journal. 



8. To-Do Lists


To-Do lists, especially if they’re time-stamped, keep your mind organized and add some structure to your day. 

Planning ahead makes a huge difference to your day. Time-stamping your to-do list or assigning time blocks can be helpful with that.

Some people including myself rather plan the day before which is a good option as well.

No matter your preference a to-do list helps you get an idea of how to start your day after a successful morning routine.



How do I start and maintain a morning routine?


If you never had a morning routine or want to start from the beginning I suggest you identify two to four habits that are important to you and your goals.


Write down your exact morning routine with timestamps. This helps you to get an overview of when you need to wake up and go to bed.

Start small and do your set routine for three to four weeks. 


After that, you should evaluate how your new routine benefitted you. Questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Did this help me achieve my health and wellness goals?
  • What difference did these habits make? 
  • How do I feel and how did my mood change?


These questions will help you decide which habits you want to keep and which are not benefiting you.

If you feel like your morning routine has become a habit, you can also add a new habit. However, it’s not necessary to include a thousand habits.



To obsess over the perfect routine is a waste of energy in my opinion because there is no such thing as the perfect routine. 


A routine is something personal and should be tailored to your own life and lifestyle.

Draw inspiration from the routines of others but please do not copy them just thinking it would make you successful. 


You have everything you need to be successful already in you. 

And remember success is what you define it to be!
