How To Romanticize The Winter Season
picture via pinterest

Winter is the season that I struggle with the most. The sun sets earlier, it gets progressively darker and there goes my mood. It’s the season my depression sneaks its way back in. By romanticizing the season winter becomes bearable for me.


Here are my top 12 activities I do to romanticize winter.



1. Baking Christmas-themed cookies 


As soon as it’s December I get out my cookie stances, icing, and sprinkles. I play some music and spend the first Sunday afternoon baking cookies for the rest of the month. The whole house gets filled with the smell of cookies instantly putting me in a Christmas mood. I have cookies for my daily coffee for the entire month cheering me up. 



2. Winter Fashion and Makeup


When it gets colder I love an oversized hoodie to snuggle up in comforting me or fuzzy socks. I’m a sucker for soft and fluffy fabrics especially in winter whether that be socks, blankets, slippers, etc to cover myself in to keep me warm. 


Not only fluffy clothing but I also love to style other winter clothes like scarves and beanies. 


Additionally, I change up my make-up routine according to the season to keep it exciting and try out new looks.



3. Decorating accordingly


Switch out the fall colors into winter colors and the Christmas aesthetic. Put up decorations, they don’t have to be expensive or even bought, you can do them yourself which is always a fun activity. 


On Pinterest you can find decoration ideas for your aesthetic, it’s the place where I draw my inspiration from.



4. Hiding under a blanket


Another cozy activity is spending time in my bed watching my favorite show and their winter episodes, comfort movies, or getting lost in a good fiction book. Escaping into a fictional world to seek comfort and being snuggled into bed while it’s freezing outside is one of my favorite ways to spend time by myself. 



5.  Playing with the snow & going ice-skating


If you’re lucky and it snows where you live, go outside for a walk in the snow or just enjoy this beautiful experience. Have fun by making a snow angel or throwing snowballs. Adults can have fun with the snow as well, not just kids, it’s for everyone and it might make your inner child very happy. If you’re excited about it don’t hold back. 


Another idea is to go ice skating at a skating rink near you. It’s fun and keeps you warm because you’re moving your body.



6. Drinking hot beverages and eating soup


For me, there’s nothing better than having a hot soup after coming home with rosy cheeks because of the low temperatures. Or warming your hands by holding a hot beverage like tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. 



7. Game Nights


Grab a few games, and some snacks, and invite your friends or your family to a game night. Playing the classics like Uno, Monopoly, or cards always guarantees a good time. Maybe someone brings a new game to game night to try out that might become a new favorite. 


It doesn’t have to be board games, video games are a great alternative. My friends and I love a good round of Mario Kart on Wii.

If it’s enjoyable for all you can schedule it regularly every month or so.



8. Taking a long bath


A warm bath is exactly what I need after a freezing day. It relaxes my muscles, washes the stress away, and warms me up before bed. I usually add bath salt or a bath bomb for a pleasant scent.


Turn on your favorite show or movie, read your favorite book, or play relaxing music to make the experience more enjoyable just make sure it doesn’t fall into the water. 🙂




9. Cozy Nights In


The most recharging nights especially for introverts like me are cozy self-care nights instead of going out. Put on a cozy fit, grab a cup of tea and watch your favorite show. I also love to cook my comfort meals while dancing to music in the kitchen as well as a steamy shower followed up by hair care and skin care, and painting my nails. 


Watch the snow or rain fall outside your window and appreciate that you’re inside your beautiful warm home. Times like these make me feel extra grateful for simple things like having a roof over my head.



10. Making sure to have enough light around


Light is a key factor for mood, motivation, and energy. Keeping enough light around you can boost your mood and motivation. So light a candle, maybe have an extra lamp on when you’re working on your desk, or put up fairy lights which are a lovely winter-themed accessory for your living space. 


In addition, it is important to get Vitamin D which is much harder in winter.

Vitamin is essential for us and normally our vitamin D levels are increasing by exposing our skin to the sun. When it’s darker you can still get it by going outside for a walk or by taking supplements. 



11. Creating a playlist


Music makes everything better there’s no arguing about that. Create a playlist with your favorite songs that cheer you up and potentially sing and dance to. It can be Christmas-themed or just your favorite songs. 



12. Pinterest boards and collages


What always helps with romanticizing is Pinterest. I use Pinterest to make vision boards and mood boards all the time. It helps me to romanticize the process toward my goals and visualize my goals. Pinning pictures capturing the joys of winter and the beauty in it allows me to appreciate the positive aspects of the season. You can convert your board pins into beautiful collages as well.
