How To Deal With Bad Days Like A Pro
picture via pinterest

First of all, remind yourself that bad days are part of life. They suck but they will pass. Be grateful because without them good days have no meaning. If there wouldn’t be any bad days you wouldn’t know what good days even are. Plants don’t grow without rain. Humans don’t evolve without bad days and discomfort. Remember this is the day where growth happens. 


So use this day.


Stick to your routines and habits. On days like these routines and habits get solidified. Days when everything’s hard, days when you can’t find a shred of motivation, days when all you want to do is lie in bed, is the day you need to get out of bed and do the shit you promised yourself to do. 


In this moment self-discipline builds. It builds trust in yourself, it shows yourself that you show up for your future self even when you don’t feel like it. 


This self-reliance cultivates self-confidence. Realize that discipline and confidence are deeply connected, more than you think.


However, do just enough. Only stick to your routines, do the basics. Unless your bad day turns into a good one don’t push yourself further. Sticking to the basics is push enough. Your mental health is important and, especially on days like these, should be cared for. While discipline is crucial, you’re not a machine, you’re a human being with emotions. 

You need to be taken care of. Lean on your partner or loved ones and if that’s not available take care of yourself regardless. 

Love yourself extra on blah days—one by sticking to your routines and second by practicing self-care.


End the day with your favorite self-care activity. Reward yourself for the strength you showed by getting through the day with discipline. 


Go to bed early getting enough sleep to tackle the next day refreshed. 


Since you tackled your day as usual you don’t leave tasks behind that mount up for the next day. Your future version of you will be so grateful.
