
About 'Herwellnessdiaries'
Herwellnessdiaries is a blog designed to help readers become the best version of themselves while the owner goes through her own health and wellness journey.
We discuss not only health and wellness but self-improvement and lifestyle as well.
About the owner
Hey, I’m Lisa the face behind this website.
I run a wellness and self-development Instagram account created around the idea of “that girl” a wellness trend that gained popularity in 2021.
I’ve been intrigued by the idea of improving myself ever since I was 14.
Now at 18, I have learned quite a bit and still love to learn and transform myself and my lifestyle.
This blog connects my love for wellness, lifestyle and self-improvement, and sharing lessons I learned throughout my journey.

A Few Things I Love:
- i love pinterest and draw a lot of inspiration from there
- i love candles, romcoms, plants and neutral colors
- i love coffee and white chocolate ice cream
- i love my alone time as an introvert
- i love planning and journaling
- i love aesthetics and making things aesthetically pleasing